This new title from The Sound Approach team is simply bursting with sounds of birds in the Maghreb area. A new generation of Moroccan birders and a constant flow of visitors from abroad has inspired the Sound Approach to share their birding experiences in the Maghreb.
Within the book – 321 sound recordings, 100 sonagrams, two colour plates by Killian Mullarney illustrating Seebohm’s Wheatears and Dunn’s Larks and 161 colour photographs.
New USB format – Includes all 321 recordings from the book, as well as a ‘Key Species Guide to the birds of Maghreb’ featuring 573 recordings from 141 species. Compatible for both iPhone and Android phones
Golden Nightjar (Caprimulgus eximius), female , Oued Jenna, Awserd, Oued Ab-Deheb, Western Sahara, Morocco, 28th February 2017 (Arnoud van den Berg)
Golden Nightjar (Caprimulgus eximius) sonagrams and text from chapter 6: Nightjars’ golden opportunities to listen.
Page 20 – Human threats to birds
Double-spurred Francolin Pternistis bicalcaratus ayesha, Sidi Bettechae, Zaer, Morocco, 2nd March 2008 (Frederic Jiguet)
USB-0015 Double-spurred Francolin Pternistis bicalcaratus ayesha Sidi Yahya des Zaer-Sidi Bettache, Zaer, Morocco, 08:27, 10 June 2015. One crowning series. Background: Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos, European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur and Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus
New two-part interactive digital Maghreb Key Species Guide included on accompanying USB. They can be read and listened to with an interactive ePUB3 reader like iBooks (Apple iOS) or Lithium (Android).
Simple touch button function for playing and searching for sounds. All for easy learning and enjoying the sounds of the region’s most special species. It includes an amazing 573 recordings.
USB-0042 Egyptian Nightjar Caprimulgus aegyptius Ghidma, Douz, Kebili, Tunisia, 20:52, 6th May 2005. Song after dark.
USB 0083 Black-crowned Tchagra Tchagra senegalus cucullatus Sdi Rbat, Oued Massa, Souss, Morocco, 08:01, 3rd November 2005. Songs by a single bird; long recording of fullsongs of both ‘type A’ (mostly) and ‘type B’. Background: Eurasian Coot Fulica atra, Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus, Black-crowned TchagraTchagra senegalus, Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus, Atlas Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs africana and Spotless Starling Sturnus unicolor